edge ocr

How does it work?

Fully Eliminate the need to ever register invoices manually to Jobpac ever again. Claw back days of data entry every month and using those savings for work that really drives your business forward



Edge Invoice Automation automatically processes all types of invoices from files and scanner in a single flow, including office documents and image formats, email attachments and message bodies.



The automatic document classification technology enables sorting of Invoice documents and custom subcategories (e.g. invoices from vendor A, invoices from vendor B, etc.).



At the recognition stage, invoice images are assembles into multi-page documents or Document Sets, their content and data are intelligently extracted and validated in an unattended mode. No manual intervention.



Edge Invoice Automation automatically extracts data from a variety of paper or digital-born invoice document types including structured and unstructured information.



The automated verification process will check if the extracted fields match those of the original invoice document.



Edge Invoice Automation automatically exports the recognised invoice data to your Jobpac system for review and processing in line with user-defined rules.

One Workflow

Drive your business forward
Teaches invoices

It’s Simple! Edge Invoice Automation “Teaches” your Invoices

Content viewer

Then immediately sends the Invoice to the correct Jobpac User for approval. It also attaches the full invoice into Jobpac’s Content Viewer!

Edge Invoice Automation

Why use EDGE Invoice Automation for your Procurement Process?

  • One Workflow

    It complements and safeguards the integrity of your Jobpac system by ensuring workflows are controlled by Jobpac, your “single version of the truth”. Don’t risk security and data misalignment with secondary 3rd party approval systems

  • Security

    Ensuring data is held within your country of origin, not overseas, and risk contractual obligations you may have with your own customers

  • Connected

    Works alongside Edge’s Procurement Mobility platform of fully integrated PO’s, Approvals, Deliveries and Expenses. All simple to use on your mobile phone. Allowing you to harness the power of Jobpac’s 3 way matching functionality

  • Support

    Edge Invoice Automation is the only Invoice Automation provider that has over 50 years of Jobpac experience supporting Jobpac customers end to end. No need to find other businesses or consultants for help and support. We handle everything for you.

  • Speed

    Implement Edge Invoice Automation in a few weeks with only an hours training by you and get immediate productivity savings. No wonder Jobpac customers love it

“Edge Global Solutions undertook a review of our Jobpac® setup. One of the recommendations to come out of that review was to implement Edge Invoice Automation. The ongoing savings on staffing costs is double the cost of Edge Invoice Automation, giving a good efficiency gain. The Edge Invoice Automation system works well, is easy to use and is very accurate”

Chris McKee, Chief Financial Officer, Construction Control